FDToModule v2.0
by Martin Kuchinka (14.7.2000)
- What it is:
FD2M is simple converter from fd files (what is 'fd'?) to d compatible
library modules.
Source code is included in PowerD archive ('d:source/fd2m.d'). You can
do with it everything you like except of selling it :)
- History:
- 1.0 (30.9.1999)
- 1.1 (???)
- rewritten from AmigaE to PowerD
- 2.0 (14.7.2000)
- added support for ppc fd files
- added shadow keyword support
- How to use it:
It has only one argument:
Where SOURCE should be a fd file.
It will try to open file called <name>.fd if you entered <name>.
It will write file called <name>.m.
- Example:
1.> fd2m dos